The SSC CGL Exam Tier-I 2021 was declared to be conducted from 02 /03/ 2021 to 11 /03/ 2021 (CBE). The admit card for Tier-I Exam was announced to be released from the Official website in February 2021. The SSC CGL Exam is a great opportunity for aspiring to secure a Government Job. There are millions of aspirants participating in this exam and aspirants should have an idea about the expected SSC CGL Cut Off Marks for 2021.
Check out the SSC CGL Syllabus and SSC CGL Eligibility Criteria for SSC CGL 2021.
The SSC CGL Cut Off Marks is the minimum scores determined by the Staff Selection Commission for candidates, that are required to be achieved to qualify for each Tier and move further for the next Tier of the exam.
The SSC CGL Cut Off Marks is basically determined by the Staff Selection Commission based on five factors. The factors are as follows:
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
85-90 marks out of 200. | ST |
95-100 marks out of 200. | SC |
110-115 marks out of 200. | OBC |
125-130 marks out of 200. | General |
Easter Region |
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
75 | Ex. Servicemen |
90 | VH |
41 | HH |
86 | PH- OH |
103 | ST |
95 | SC |
112 | OBC |
130 | UR |
Western Region |
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
72 | Ex. Servicemen |
89.50 | VH |
40 | HH |
85 | PH- OH |
114 | ST |
95 | SC |
104 | OBC |
131 | UR |
North Eastern Region |
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
75 | Ex. Servicemen |
90 | VH |
45 | HH |
91 | PH- OH |
118 | ST |
99 | SC |
109 | OBC |
130 | UR |
North Western Sub-Region |
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
71 | Ex. Servicemen |
88 | VH |
45 | HH |
101 | PH- OH |
112 | ST |
115 | SC |
110 | OBC |
134 | UR |
Southern Region |
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
72 | Ex. Servicemen |
100 | VH |
45 | HH |
105 | PH- OH |
116 | ST |
100 | SC |
117 | OBC |
136 | UR |
Central Region |
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
69 | Ex. Servicemen |
84 | VH |
40 | HH |
90 | PH- OH |
80 | ST |
96 | SC |
111 | OBC |
125.50 | UR |
Karnataka, Kerala Region |
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
76 | Ex. Servicemen |
95 | VH |
45 | HH |
89 | PH- OH |
102 | ST |
96 | SC |
115 | OBC |
135 | UR |
Madhya Pradesh Sub-Region |
Expected Cut Off Marks out of 200 | Category |
75 | Ex. Servicemen |
90 | VH |
43 | HH |
90 | PH- OH |
119 | ST |
100 | SC |
120 | OBC |
140 | UR |
We will now have a look at the previous year’s Cut off marks trends. You can also, download a PDF for SSC CGL Cut Off Marks for 2018-19.
The SSC CGL cut off marks for 2021-20 was been declared on 20th August 2021 along with the Tier-I result. Let’s have a look at the same:
Category | HH | OBC | OH | Other PwD | SC | ST | UR | Total |
Cut Off Marks | 102.45 | 165.00 | 132.90 | 62.19 | 148.97 | 141.86 | 170:00 | |
Candidates Available | 300 | 4464 | 335 | 100 | 2444 | 1272 | 6247* | 15162 |
Category | HH | OBC | OH | Other PwD | SC | ST | UR | VH | Total |
Cut Off Marks | 51.99 | 162.35 | 112.48 | 40.00 | 140.11 | 129.56 | 165.96 | 64.57 | |
Candidates Available | 333 | 2008 | 333 | 51 | 1421 | 891 | 3177* | 364 | 8578 |
Category | HH | OBC | OH | Other PwD | SC | ST | UR | VH | Total |
Cut Off Marks | 40.00 | 131.18 | 95.55 | 40.00 | 111.10 | 103.22 | 137.07 | 70.25 | |
Candidates Available | 158 | 44078 | 2727 | 173 | 27835 | 12836 | 51771* | 1282 | 150396 |
Candidate Category | Cut off Marks for Tier-I + Tier-II for Assistant Account officer’s Post. | Cut off Marks for Tier-I + Tier-II for Junior Statistical Officer. | Remaining Posts |
UR | 572.51 | 535.86 | 433 |
OBC | 510.92 | 517.76 | 400.33 |
SC | 463.15 | 433.95 | 354.74 |
ST | 460.21 | 403.95 | 327.05 |
OH | 409.26 | 348.50 | 302.50 |
HH | 347.35 | 223.46 | 165.73 |
Category of candidates | Previous Cut Off | Revised Cut Off | Candidates Available Before | Candidates Available Now |
HH | 79.00 | 75.00 | 228 | 276 |
OBC | 140.50 | 135.50 | 6049 | 8840 |
OH | 113.50 | 111.50 | 240 | 281 |
SC | 129.00 | 125.50 | 2502 | 3218 |
ST | 123.00 | 119.00 | 1161 | 1568 |
UR | 152.50 | 148.00 | 5270 | 7763 |
Total | 15,450 | 21,946 |
Category of candidates | Previous Cut Off | Revised Cut Off | Candidates Available Before | Candidates Available Now |
HH | 62.00 | 61.00 | 210 | 227 |
OBC | 140.00 | 135.50 | 3850 | 5503 |
OH | 104.50 | 102.00 | 202 | 244 |
SC | 127.50 | 123.50 | 1518 | 2055 |
ST | 117.00 | 114.50 | 837 | 989 |
UR | 151.00 | 146.50 | 3655 | 5458 |
VH | 116.00 | 116.00 | 39 | 39 |
Total | 10,311 | 14,515 |
Category of candidates | Previous Cut Off | Revised Cut Off | Candidates Available Before | Candidates Available Now |
HH | 40.00 | 38.00 | 1709 | 1796 |
OBC | 115.00 | 110.00 | 58633 | 74604 |
OH | 87.00 | 84.50 | 2327 | 2684 |
SC | 103.00 | 98.00 | 25052 | 32239 |
ST | 93.00 | 88.50 | 12358 | 15368 |
UR | 131.00 | 126.50 | 43476 | 55387 |
VH | 89.50 | 89.50 | 559 | 559 |
Ex.S | 73.50 | 69.00 | 6290 | 7201 |
Total | 1,50,404 | 1,89,838 |
Posts | Assistant Section Officer in CSS & Assistant in MEA | Assistant Audit Officer | Junior Statistical Officer | Remaining Posts |
Tiers Of exam | Tier-I + Tier-II(Paper I+II) | Tier-I + Tier-II (Paper I+II+IV) | The Tier-I + Tier-II(Paper I+II+III) | Tier-I + Tier-II (Paper I+II) |
UR | 449.00 | 536.00 | 502.00 | 422.00 |
OBC | 424.50 | 493.75 | 471.00 | 397.00 |
SC | 389.00 | 454.00 | 423.00 | 363.25 |
ST | 370.00 | 427.00 | 397.00 | 341.00 |
Ex.S | – | – | – | – |
OH | 366.50 | 411.00 | 364.00 | 333.00 |
HH | 262.00 | 264.00 | 230.25 | 216.00 |
VH | 364.50 | – | 267.50 | 336.00 |
Cut Off Marks in the qualifying score for each Tier of the SSC CGL exam determined by the Staff Selection Commission. Considering, the total number of candidates appearing, in each category (SC, ST, OBC, UR), etc, Vacancies released each year, regional vacancies, Complexity of the exam and cut off the trend of the last 3 years. The Cut Of Marks can not be released before the Tier-I exam is conducted hence estimated cut-off marks are provided on this page. Please check the Expected Cut off marks for SSC CGL 2021 section to find out the details. All the Tiers of the SSC CGL examination is necessary depending on the post an aspirant has applied for and the candidate has to qualify for each Tier to appear for the next round of the SSC CGL Exam. The Admit card for SSC CGL 2021 was released from the official website in February. Admit Card can be downloaded from the official site of the Staff Selection Commission. You can check the SSC CGL Notification page for further information. Yes, OBC, SC, ST enjoy age relaxation. Please refer to the SSC CGL Eligibility Criteria page for details.What is the Cut Off Mark in SSC CGL Exam?
Has Cut off Marks for 2021-2021 Tier-I been released?
Is it necessary to attend all the Tiers of the SSC CGL Examination 2021?
When and how will I get the admit card for SSC CGL 2021 Tier-I?
Do a candidate from OBC, SC, ST category get age relaxation?
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