Updated SSC CGL Syllabus 2021 with New Subjects for Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, Tier IV

Author : Silpi Ghosh
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SSC CGL Exam 2021:

The SSC CGL Exam for 2021 is almost knocking at the door. At this point, all Candidates appearing for the exam should know the detailed SSC CGL Syllabus. According to the latest notice released by SSC, the Tier 1 exam is tentatively starting on May 29, 2021, and ending on the 07th June 2021.

Check, SSC CGL Apply Online page to know the correct process. To know the details about SSC CGL Exam, download a PDF on SSC CGL Notification for 2021.



A quick overview of the SSC CGL Exam Pattern:

Tier Exam Type Exam Mode
Tier 1 Objective type Multiple Choice questions Online
Tier 2 Objective type Multiple Choice questions Online
Tier 3 Descriptive Paper either in English or Hindi language. Offline- pen and Paper Exam
Tier 4 Skill Test: Data Entry Speed Test / Computer Proficiency Test If necessary, for applied post.
Document Verification. This is applicable to all posts.

Check out the SSC CGL Exam Pattern in detail.


SSC CGL Syllabus – Tier-I:

In Tier 1 you will get multiple-choice objective-type questions. This is a computer-based exam. In this phase, you will get questions based on the 10th and 12th standard levels.


  • General intelligence and reasoning.
  • General Awareness.
  • Quantitative Aptitude.
  • English comprehension.


General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness Quantitative Aptitude English Comprehension
Classification Static General Knowledge Simplification Reading Comprehension
Analogy Science Interest Cloze Test
Coding-Decoding Current Affairs Averages Spellings
Paper Folding Method Sports Percentage Phrases and Idioms
Matrix Books and Authors Ratio and Proportion One word Substitution
Word Formation Important Schemes Problem on Ages Sentence Correction
Venn Diagram Portfolios Speed, Distance, and Time Error Spotting
Direction and Distance People in the News Number System Fill in the Blanks
Blood Relations History Mensuration Active/Passive
Series Geography Data Interpretation Narrations
Verbal reasoning Economic Time and Work
Non-Verbal Reasoning Awards and Honours Algebra
Economic Trigonometry

Marking Scheme:

Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time Allowed
General Intelligence 25 50 60 minutes
General Awareness 25 50 For VH/ OH (afflicted

with Cerebral Palsy/

deformity in writing

hand- Pl. See para- 5.10 of Notice):

80 Minutes

Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
English Comprehension 25 50

Note: The commission has also introduced a negative marking in the SSC CGL Tier I exam. Therefore, 0.50 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer, however, there is no sectional cut off. No deduction will be made for not answering a question.

SSC CGL Syllabus – Tier-II

Similarly, Tier 2 of SSC CGL will also have multiple-choice objective-type questions and it is a computer-based exam.


  • Quantitative Abilities.
  • English Language and Comprehension.
  • Statistics.
  • General Studies (Finance and Economics).


Quantitative Aptitude English Language Statistics General Awareness
Simplification Reading Comprehension Collection and Representation of Data Finance and Accounting
Interest Spelling Measure of Dispersion Fundamental Principles
Averages Fill in the Blanks The measure of Central Tendency Financial Accounting
Percentage Phrases and Idioms Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis Basic Concepts of Accounting
Ratio and Proportion One Word Substitution Correlation and Regression Self-Balancing Ledger
Speed, Distance, and Time Sentence Correction Random Variables Error Spotting and Correction
Number System Error Spotting Random Variables +
Mensuration Cloze Test Sampling Theory Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Data Interpretation Para Jumbles Analysis and Variance Finance Commission
Time and Work Synonyms-Antonyms Time Series Analysis Theory of Demand and Supply
Algebra Active-Passive Voice Index Number
Data Sufficiency

Marking Scheme:

Tier II

Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time Allowed
Paper-I: Quantitative Abilities 100 200 120 Minutes (for each Paper)
Paper-II: English Language and Comprehension 200 200 For VH/ OH (afflicted

with Cerebral Palsy/

deformity in writing

hand- Pl. See para- 5.10 of Notice):

160 Minutes

Paper-III: Statistics 100 200
Paper-IV: General Studies (Finance and Economics) 100 200

Note: Paper I and II are compulsory for all posts within SSC CGL. These two papers will be for those Candidates who have applied for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) in the Ministry of Statistics, Program Implementation, Statistical Investigator Grade-II in the office of Registrar General, India (M/o Home Affairs) and who are chosen in Tier-I for these posts.

Paper-IV will only be for those Candidates who are chosen in Tier-I for Paper-IV. This paper is only for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer.

Negative marking:

Negative marking is there in the SSC CGL Tier-II exam. 0.25 marks will be cut off for each wrong answer in English Language and comprehension paper, but 0.50 marks cut off is applicable in Paper-I, Paper-III & Paper-IV. There is no sectional cut off and no cut off is there to leave a question blank or not answered.

SSC CGL Syllabus – Tier III:

Tier III of the SSC CGL Exam is carried on offline.


Tier III is a descriptive paper and Candidates will be tested based on their writing skills. They will be asked to write letters, essays, precis, and applications, depending on the post they have applied for. Candidates will be given 1 hour for this paper and this paper can be written in English or Hindi. They must read newspapers, magazines, etc to develop their word stalk and writing skills. Candidates should also know the latest letter and application writing formats.

SSC CGL Marking Scheme:

Tier III

Mode of exam Scheme of exam Maximum


Time Allowed
Pen and Paper mode


Descriptive Paper in English or Hindi (Writing Essay/Precis/Letter/Application etc.) 100 60 Minutes
For VH/ OH (afflicted

with Cerebral Palsy/

deformity in writing

hand has a time allowance of 80 Minutes.

Note: In the SSC CGL exam 2021, Tier III is a must for all posts as per the official notice.

SSC CGL Syllabus – Tier IV:

This Tier 4 is a skill test exam and Candidates will be tested on their Data entry skills or computer skill.

Data Entry Speed Test (DEST):

Candidates will have to type at the rate of 2000 words in 15 mins. Candidates with bone structure disability, who have opted for Tax Assistant in CBDT will not have to attend Data Entry Test. If the entrant with the disability of bone structure and has opted for Tax Assistant in CBEC will have to attend a skill test.

Students with visual and hearing issues will have to attend the skill test. Visually impaired candidates are given 5 mins extra and can take dictation from passage reader and write on the paper.

Computer Proficiency Test (CPT)

The computer skill is tested in 3 layers:

  • Word processing
  • Spreadsheet
  • Slide making

However, the CPT test is only for Candidates who will apply for certain posts I.e.The Asst Section Officer in CSS, MEA & AFHQ, Affairs Inspector (Preventive Officer) & Inspector (Examiner) in CBIC, Asst (GSI) in the Ministry of Mines, Inspector (Central Excise), and Asst in Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) under the Ministry of Corporate.

Check the SSC CGL Cut Off Marks 2021 and SSC CGL Eligibility Criteria in detail.

SSC CGL Syllabus FAQs:

Are all the Tiers of the SSC CGL exam must-attend for all Candidates?

All Tiers of SSC CGL is not a must-attend for all posts within SSC CGL. It depends on the applied post and detailed info has been given on the page itself. Kindly check the notes section.

How many papers are there in the SSC CGL Tier-II exam?

There are four papers in the Tier-II exam of the SSC CGL.

Is there any negative marking applicable in Tier-II?

Yes, 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer, in paper II and for all other papers (Paper I, III, IV) 0.50 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.

Is there any negative marking applicable in Tier-III?

Tier-III is a descriptive paper and scoring will be done based on merit and quality of writing.

When can we collect the admit card for the Tier-II exam of the SSC CGL?

All admit cards can be out from the Official web page of SSC, however, the exact date to release the admit card for SSC CGL Exam Tier-II has not yet been declared. The probable time is given to release the admit card in June year 2021.

Author: Silpi Ghosh

A passionate writer and education enthusiast. Looking forward to the digitization of education and helping students in achieving their goals.

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