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in Computer by (90.1k points)
&\text { How many times will the following loops execute? Which one of them is Entry } \\
&\text { Control and which one is Exit? } \\
&\text { Loop } 1 \\
&\text { int } \mathrm{i}=10, \text { sum }=0 ; \\
&\text { while }(\mathrm{i}>1) \\
&\{\text { sum+=i; } \\
&\mathrm{i}-=3 ; \\
&\} \\
&\text { Loop } 2 \\
&\text { int } \mathrm{i}=10, \text { sum }=0 ; \\
&\text { do } \\
&\{\text { sum+ }=\mathrm{i} ; \\
&\mathrm{i}-=3 ; \\
&\} \text { while }(\mathrm{i}>1) ;

3 Answers

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by (90.1k points)
Following loops will execute 3 times.

Loop 1 is Entry control loop and Loop 2 is Exit control loop.
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