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in CBSE by (90.1k points)
Coordination is the essence of management.

2 Answers

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by (90.1k points)
Coordination is not only a function of management but it is also an essence of the management process. Coordination is required in each and every activity and in each and every function of the management. Coordination is maintained in all the activities of the department, so that enterprise can be run efficiently and effectively. The concept of essence is related to the intrinsic nature of the object. Every function of management must in itself be coordinated. So it becomes the central task of the manager to reconcile the differences in approach, timing, effort or interest and to harmonize cooperative and individual goals.
The reasons for treating coordination as the essence of management is as follow:
Coordinatlon and Planning: Planning cannot prove effective if the sub plans of the organisation does not match with the overall or main plan. Coordination reconciles the policies and programmes of the various departments with the policies and programmes of the organisation, so that overall objectives can be achieved. Proper coordination as well is required when plans of the organisation are prepared with the participation of all the people who are involved in it. Further, coordination can be achieved through planning by integrating the plans of different departments.
Coordination and Organizing: Organisation would be poor if there is lack of harmony in vertical and horizontal authority relationships. Coordination helps in simplifying the organizational structure as well as reduces the conflicts.
Coordination is required at the time of division of work i.e., delegating authority and creating responsibility. So for successfully performing the function of organizing, there is great need of coordination.
Coordinatlon and Staffing: Staffing must be consistent with the needs and the resources of the enterprise. Even manager requires coordination for performing the function of recruitment, selection, training, development, performance appraisal, transfers, demotion, promotion etc. Placing the right person at the right place and at the right time requires coordination. So coordination is required for effectively performing the function of management.
Coordinatlon and Direction: Direction cannot be proved effective if the orders and instructions given to the employees are not consistent with the requirements of the circumstances. Coordination promotes effective communication, leadership, supervision and motivation. Similarly, effective communication, leadership, motivation and supervision enhance coordination in the enterprise.
Coordinatlon and Controlling: Controlling creates harmony between planning and the performance. For the measurement of actual performance, comparing it with the standards and taking the corrective action requires coordination of the different activities and the units in the organisation. So, coordination is required for the performance of the controlling Function efficiently.
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