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in CBSE by (90.1k points)
Write in detail about the various test items and their administration of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (AAPHER) Test.

2 Answers

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by (90.1k points)
Administration of AAHPER motor Fitness Test:- The test is administered on school student of around 17 years of age. It includes.
(a) Pull up for boys
(b) Sit-up
(c) Shuttle run
(d) Standing long jump
(e) \(50 \mathrm{mts}\). dash
(f) 600 Years run/walk
Detailed Answer:
AAPHERD stands for American Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. In 1965 , AAPHER led to the collection of wide ranging records or data and revision of the national norms. The following test items are included in this test battery.
(a) Pull-ups (for boys) or flexed arm hangs (for girls).
(b) Sit ups to a maximum of 50 (for girls) and 100 for boys.
(c) Shuttle Run.
(d) Standing Broad Jump.
(e) 50 yard dash.
(f) Six hundred yard run/walk.
(g) Softball throw for distance.
In 1976, AAPHER Youth Fitness Test was again revised and the following changes were made:
(a) The softball throw test item was deleted. (b) Fixed number of straight leg sit ups test was changed to bent knee sit-ups performed in 60 seconds.
(c) 600 yard run/walk was made optional and the individuals could opt for their 600 yard run/walk or 9 minute run/walk or 1 mile (for ages 10-12) run/walk i.e., 12 minute run/walk (for ages 13 and above). After the revision of AAPHER Youth fitness test in 1976 or \(1.5\) mile run/walk, following items were finalized in this test battery.

(a) Pull ups (for boys) flexed arm hang (for girls)
(b) Bent knee sit ups
(c) Shuttle sum
(d) Standing board jump
(e) 50 yard dash
(f) 600 yard or 9 min run/walk
(a) Pull ups
Purpose: To measure arm and shoulder strength.
Procedure : The bar is adjusted according to the height of the boy. The bar is held with his palms facing away from him. He is then asked to raise his body so that the chin reaches the level of the bar. One score is awarded for each pull up. One trial is given before the start of the test. Flexed Arm Hang (for girls)
Purpose : To measure arm and shoulder strength.
Procedure : The bar is adjusted according to the standing height of the girl. The bar is held with over hand grasp. The girl lifts her body up with the assistance of testing personnel so that her chin reaches the bar level. The time in seconds she holds the bar, is taken as her score.
(b) Flexed leg sit ups:
Purpose : To measure abdominal strength and endurance.
Procedure: The youth is asked to lie on the floor on his/her back keeping knees bent. The angle of the knees should be around \(90^{\circ}\). The feet are held by the partner, the youth puts hand behind the head with fingers interlocked. Then the youth curls up and touches the elbow to knees. The score is counted as maximum number of sit ups in \(60 \mathrm{sec}\).
(c) Shuttle Run:
Purpose : To measure speed and agility Procedure : Two parallel lines are marked 30 feet apart and two wooden blocks \(2 \times 2 \times 4\) inches are kept on one side of a marked line. The youth stands behind the line opposite to the line where wooden blocks are placed. At the start signal, youth runs towards the wooden blocks and picks up one of them, carrying it to the line from where the test started. The youth then runs and similarly lifts the other block and places it at the starting line.
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