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in CBSE by (90.1k points)
Explain the importance of Self Help Groups?

3 Answers

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by (90.1k points)
Important of Self Help Groups(SHGs):-
- FInanclal Incluslon - SHGs incentivise banks to lend to poor and marginalised sections of society because of the assurance of returns.
- Volce to marginallsed - SHGs have given a voice to the otherwise underrepresented and voiceless sections of society.
- Soclal Integrity - SHGs help eradicate many social ills such as dowry, alcoholism, early marriage, etc.
- Gender Equallty - By empowering women SHGs help steer the nation towards true gender equality.
- Pressure Groups - SHGs act as pressure groups through which pressure can be mounted on the government to act on important issues.
- Enhancing the efficlency of government schemes - SHGs help implement and improve the efficiency of government schemes. They also help reduce corruption through social audits.
- Alternate source of tivelihood/employment - SHGa help people earn their livelihood by providing vocational training, and also help improve their existing source of livelihood by offering tools, etc. They also help ease the dependency on agriculture.
- Impact on healthcare and housing - Financial inclusion due to SHGs has led to better family planning, reduced rates of child mortality, enhanced maternal health and also helped people fight diseases better by way of better nutrition, healthcare facilities and housing.
- Banking literacy - SHGs encourage people to save and promote banking literacy among the rural segment.
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