Originally Answered: what are the aims and objectives of BRICS?
Quick answer is:
- economical growth
- trade promotion
- alternative to G8
If you would like to find more details, there is document BRICS Strategy. It has following purposes:
- to enhance market access opportunities and facilitate market interlinkages;
- to promote mutual trade and investment and create a business-Friendly environment for investors and entrepreneurs in all BRICS countries;
- to enhance and diversify trade and investment cooperation that support value addition among the BRICS countries;
- to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination and build resilience to external economic shocks;
- to strive for inclusive economic growth, in order to eradicate poverty, address unemployment and promote social inclusion;
- to promote information exchange through BRICS Virtual Secretariat and BRICS Economic Exchange Platform, as well as other agreed platforms;
- to consolidate efforts in order to ensure a better quality of growth by fostering innovative economic development based on advanced technologies and skills development with a view to build knowledge economies;
- to seek Further interaction and cooperation with non-BRICS countries and international organizations and forums. BRICS members will engage with the business communities in their respective countries to implement the Strategy.
They will encourage closer collaboration of BRICS business communities.