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in Some basic concepts in chemistry by (90.1k points)
Q. Schottky defect in a crystal is observed when
A an ion leaves its normal site and occupies an interstitial site
B unequal number of cations and anions are missing from the lattice
C density of the crystal is increased
D equal number of cations and anions are missing from the lattice

379 Answers

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It may take years for dysplasia to turn into carcinoma in situ or microinvasive cancer, but once this process occurs the cancer can quickly spread deeper into nearby tissues or other organs, such as the bladder, intestines, liver, or lungs.
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The following screening tests can be used to detect polyps and cancer: Fecal occult blood test FOBT : Sometimes cancers or polyps bleed, and the FOBT can detect tiny amounts of blood in the stool.
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These signs can be confusing, and if the bleeding gets heavier or fails to stop, then see your GP as soon as possible.

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