Let \(f\) and \(g\) be differentiable on the interval \(I\) and let \(a, b \in I, a<b\). Then
(A) If \(f(a)=0=f(b)\), the equation \(f^{\prime}(x)+f(x) g^{\prime}(x)=0\) is solvable in \((a, b)\).
(B) If \(f(a)=0=f(b)\), the equation \(f^{\prime}(x)+f(x) g^{\prime}(x)=0\) may not be solvable in \((a, b)\).
(C) If \(g(a)=0=g(b)\), the equation \(g^{\prime}(x)+k g(x)=0\) is solvable in \((a, b), k \in \mathbb{R}\)
(D) If \(g(a)=0=g(b)\), the equation \(g^{\prime}(x)+k g(x)=0\) may not be solvable in \((a, b), k \in \mathbb{R}\)