The IBPS SO exam is the most water exam for entrants aspiring to secure a job in Public Sector Banks. The exam dates had been already released in IBPS SO Notification. The prelim exam is scheduled between Dec 2021. The aspirants who are preparing for the exam must take reference of IBPS SO Cut Off 2021 for previous years. This will help them to understand what score they have secured to crack the exam.
The IBPS SO Exam is a three-stage exam hence entrants must know how and when they can download the admit card from the official website. IBPS SO is conducted in 3 stages. So apart from Prelim and Mains, there will be a mandatory interview round for all entrants. In the interview round entrant have to carry a list of documents to prove their IBPS SO Eligibility that they have claimed for during IBPS SO Online Application.
Let’s have a look into the IBPS SO Cut Off 2021 calculating Process:
The IBPS SO Cut Off Marks in the minimum qualifying marks that entrants need to score to get qualified to clear a phase of an exam. Based on which the final merit list is declared. The score obtained by the entrants is further divided into section wise cut off, category wise cut off, region-wise cut-off.
Let’s see how is it done?
Factors to determine IBPS SO Cut Off 2021:
Let’s have a look at the cut off marks for various years:
The IBPS SO Cut Off Marks will change every year however, the reference of the previous year will help the entrants an idea about what is Cut Off marks and how is it generally determined every year. Let’s have a look at the IBPS SO Cut Off Marks for previous years:
Prelim Papers | Cut Off Marks | Total score | |
UR | OBC/ PWD/ Sc/ ST | ||
Quantitative Aptitude / General Awareness | 50 | 09.50 | 05.25 |
Logical Reasoning | 50 | 11.25 | 06.50 |
English Language | 25 | 08.00 | 04.25 |
Candidate Category | Cut Off Marks |
(VI) Visually Impaired | 74 |
(HI) Hearing Impaired | 52 |
(ID) Intellectual Disability | 51.25 |
(OC) Orthopaedically Challenged | 85.38 |
(OBC) Other Backward Classes | 89.50 |
(SC) Scheduled Caste | 83.25 |
(ST) Scheduled Tribe | 73 |
(Gen) General | 91.88 |
Job Post Name | Combined (VI, ST, OBC, HI, OC, SC) | Unreserved |
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale – I) | 12.75 | 15.75 |
IT Officer (Scale – I) | 16 | 18.50 |
Law Officer (Scale- I) | 20 | 24.25 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale- I) | 12.75 | 16 |
Marketing Officer (Scale-I) | 30 | 33.75 |
H.R/ Personnel Officer (Scale- I) | 19.50 | 23.25 |
Prelim Papers | Cut Off Marks | Total score | |
UR | OBC/ PWD/ Sc/ ST | ||
Quantitative Aptitude / General Awareness | 16.75 | 50 | 11.50 |
Logical Reasoning | 15.25 | 50 | 10 |
English Language | 4.75 | 25 | 2.50 |
Candidate Category | Cut Off Marks |
(VI) Visually Impaired | 70 |
(HI) Hearing Impaired | 49 |
(ID) Intellectual Disability | 48.25 |
(OC) Orthopaedically Challenged | 83.38 |
(OBC) Other Backward Classes | 87.50 |
(SC) Scheduled Caste | 81.25 |
(ST) Scheduled Tribe | 70 |
(Gen) General | 89.88 |
Job Post Name | Combined
(VI, ST, OBC, HI, OC, SC) |
Unreserved |
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale – I) | 10.75 | 13.75 |
H.R/ Personnel Officer (Scale- I) | 17.50 | 21.25 |
IT Officer (Scale – I) | 18 | 16.50 |
Law Officer (Scale- I) | 18 | 22.25 |
Marketing Officer (Scale-I) | 28 | 31.75 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari (Scale- I) | 10.75 | 14 |
Job Post Names | Gen | SC | ST | OBC | ID | HI | OC | VI |
IT Officer(Scale – I) | 22 | 16.25 | 13.75 | 20 | 16 | 15.75 | 14.50 | 15.25 |
Agriculture Field Officer (Scale – I) | 20.75 | 18.75 | 16 | 20.75 | 12.50 | 15 | 20.75 | 20.50 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari(Scale- I) | 18.25 | 17.50 | 12.50 | 18.25 | NA | NA | 14.50 | 22.50 |
Law Officer(Scale- I) | 31 | 25.75 | 26.25 | 28 | 26.75 | NA | 25.75 | 25.75 |
Marketing Officer(Scale-I) | 39.25 | 34.25 | 29.25 | 38.50 | NA | 31.50 | 34 | 32.50 |
H.R/ Personnel Officer(Scale- I) | 29.25 | 23.25 | 18.75 | 24.50 | NA | NA | 21 | 28 |
Job Post Names | Gen | SC | ST | OBC | HI | VI | OC |
Agriculture Field Officer |
35.00 | 31.20 | 29.20 | 34.80 | 20.40 | 27.20 | 32.00 |
HR/Personnel Officer | 60.60 | 57.20 | 55.40 | 57.60 | 36.40 | 43.20 | 48.60 |
IT Officer | 62.60 | 58.00 | 52.60 | 60.60 | 38.80 | NA | 57.20 |
Law Officer | 57.40 | 48.00 | 31.80 | 51.60 | 26.40 | 46.00 | 44.40 |
Marketing Officer |
67.20 | 63.40 | 51.80 | 65.40 | 44.40 | 52.80 | 65.20 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari |
52.60 | 52.00 | 46.60 | 55.60 | NA | 73.60 | 29.80 |
Job Post Names | Gen | SC | ST | OBC | HI | VI | OC |
Agriculture | |||||||
Field Officer | 34.40 | 30.60 | 28.60 | 34.40 | NA | 26.80 | 31.20 |
HR/Personnel | |||||||
Officer | 60.00 | 57.20 | 55.40 | 56.80 | NA | 32.80 | 47.00 |
IT Officer | 62.40 | 57.60 | 52.40 | 60.20 | 37.80 | NA | 57.00 |
Law Officer | 56.80 | 47.20 | 30.20 | 51.40 | NA | 43.00 | 42.60 |
Job Post Names | OC | HI | VI | ST | OBC | SC | Gen |
Agriculture Field Officer | 27.20 | 26.50 | 28.95 | 30.00 | 40.90 | 34.65 | 41.65 |
HR/Personnel Officer | NA | 43.40 | NA | 46.65 | 53.50 | 50.70 | 60.75 |
IT Officer | 50.15 | 40.60 | 60.10 | 46.50 | 57.75 | 53.55 | 61.50 |
Law Officer | 39.65 | NA | 36.70 | 39.55 | 49.20 | 44.95 | 52.95 |
Marketing Officer | 39.40 | 33.70 | NA | 38.50 | 51.90 | 47.35 | 55.30 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari | 38.75 | NA | 69.05 | 34.20 | 45.05 | 43.35 | 44.15 |
Job Post Names | OC | HI | VI | ST | OBC | SC | Gen |
Agriculture Field Officer | 26.7 | 25.95 | 28.7 | 29.3 | 40.55 | 34.1 | 40.6 |
HR/Personnel Officer | NA | 31.75 | NA | 44.6 | 51.85 | 49.6 | 60.5 |
IT Officer | 49.35 | 40.3 | 55.95 | 46.3 | 57.5 | 53.1 | 61.15 |
Law Officer | 38.35 | NA | 30.80 | 39.15 | 48.75 | 44.65 | 52.25 |
Marketing Officer | 38.8 | NA | NA | 38.15 | 51.55 | 46.95 | 54.8 |
Rajbhasha Adhikari | 35.95 | NA | NA | 33.7 | 44.6 | 42.8 | 43.55 |
To conclude we have found that the IBPS Cut Off mark is divided into various categories. It keeps on changing as per available candidates per post in a particular region. Entrants must target scoring more than the cut off of the previous year as the number of entrants may increase. Apart from that entrant must check the IBPS SO Exam Pattern to check to understand the exam’s marking scheme. Moreover, they must also check the IBPS SO Syllabus as well to know the subjects and topics to understand what to study and focus on. Keep all the factors in mind that determine cut off marks and prepare your IBPS SO Study Plan accordingly for success in the exam.
All phases of exams are considered to normalize score and then determine the Cut Off Marks.
Cut off Marks calculation is also determined by the number of aspirants who have appeared for the exam. If the number of aspirants from each IBPS regions is different the Cut Off Marks will vary according to the availability of entrants.
Yes, the Interview round phase is also considered in final Cut Off.
Yes, consideration is made for the reserved category of entrants in the IBPS SO exam.
As an entrant, your 1st priority should be to focus on the individual score and subject wise cut off. Then only you can expect selection in category wise Cut Off Marks. The candidates can check more details related to the cut off of the IBPS SO for the different categories.
A passionate writer and education enthusiast. Looking forward to the digitization of education and helping students in achieving their goals.
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