UPSC has invited applications for National Defence Academy. Every year millions of entrants appear in the NDA exam to pursue their willingness to serve the nation. As per official UPSC NDA Notification 2021, the online application will start from 8th January 2021. Entrants can complete their UPSC NDA Online Application 2021 which started 8th Jan onwards. UPSC has also released the UPSC NDA Syllabus 2021. Entrants must go through the syllabus to know the subjects they have to study. UPSC has scheduled the written exam for NDA on September 6th 2021.
The NDA exam is conducted in two phases as per the UPSC NDA Exam Pattern 2021. The 1st phase is the written exam and the 2nd one is the interview. Although the question in the NDA exam will be MCQ and based on the 12th standard knowledge, it has lot many subjects to be covered. Entrants must give enough time to studies to crack the exam. Before we jump to the subjects included in UPSC NDA Syllabus 2021 let’s have a quick look at the exam pattern and marking scheme for the exam.
SL NO | Exams | Sections | No of Questions | Marks | Time Limit |
1 | Paper I | GAT (General Ability Test | 150 | 300 | 2 hours & 30 mins |
2 | Paper 2 | Maths | 20 | 600 | 2 hours & 30 mins |
English | |||
Sl No | Subject Topics | Number of Questions | Marks per Topic |
1 | Error Spotting | 5 | 20 |
2 | Selecting Words | 10 | 40 |
3 | Comprehension | 6 | 24 |
4 | Sentence Improvement | 10 | 40 |
5 | Ordering of Words in a Sentence | 9 | 36 |
6 | Synonyms | 5 | 20 |
7 | Antonyms | 5 | 20 |
Total | 50 | 200 |
General Ability | |||
Sl No | Subject Topics | Number of Questions | Marks per Topic |
1 | Chemistry | 16 | 64 |
2 | Physics | 23 | 92 |
3 | General Science | 11 | 44 |
4 | Current Events | 17 | 68 |
5 | History & Freedom Movement | 16 | 64 |
6 | Geography | 17 | 68 |
Total | 100 | 400 |
The above tables show how the scores are distributed among different subjects of the written exam. Now let’s have a look at the detailed topics entrants have to study to crack the exam:
1. Matter & its properties (mass, weight etc).
2. Specific gravity. 3. Archimedes principle. 4. Motion. 5. Velocity and Acceleration. 6. Newton’s Laws of Motion. 7. Force and Momentum. 8. Force Parallelogram. 9. Stability and Body Equilibrium. 10. Gravity. 11. Elementary Work Ideas. 12. Power and Energy. 13. Heat effects. 14. Telegraph. 15. Periscope, 16. Temperature and heat measurement. 17. State change and latent heat. 18. Heat transfer modes. 19. Rectilinear light. 20. Simple Pulleys. 21. Telephone |
22. Hydrometer, Pressure Cooker.
23. Reflection and refraction propagation. 24. Spherical mirrors and human eye lenses. 25. Natural and artificial magnets. 26. A magnet’s properties. 27. Earth as a magnet. 28. Electricity. 29. Ohm’s Law. 30. conductors and non-conductors 31. Telescope, Siphon, Levers, Balloon, Pumps, 32. Simple Electrical Circuits, Current Heating. 33. Lighting and Magnetic Effects. 34. Electrical Power Measurement. 35. Primary and Secondary Cells. 36. X-Ray Use. 37. Simple Pendulum. 38. Thermos Flask, Gramophone, Microscope, Mariner’s Compass. |
Chemistry | |||
Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide preparation and properties | Chemical Combination Law. | Air and water properties | Changes in physical and chemical conditions. |
Oxidation and reduction. | Acids, bases, salts, etc. | Fertilizers— Artificial and Natural. | Carbon— various forms |
The material used in the preparation of substances such as Soap, Glass, Ink, Paper, Cement, Paints, Gun-Powder and Safety Matches. | Atomic Equivalent and Molecular Weights structure | Basic ideas on Atom | Valence |
General Science | |||
Life basis — cells | Living and non-living difference. | Tissues | Protoplasm |
Human Body’s basic knowledge and its important organs. | Plant and animal growth and reproduction. | Common epidemics, causes and prevention of them. | The Meteors and Comets Solar System. |
Food — man’s energy source. | Eclipses. | Food constituents | Balanced diet |
Eminent Scientists ‘ achievements |
History | |||
A comprehensive survey of Indian History | Freedom movement. | Indian Constitution and Administration elementary study. | Focusing on culture and civilization. |
Panchayati Raj. | The basic knowledge of India’s Five-Year Plans. | Community Development Co-operatives. | Bhoodan, Sarvodaya, Mahatma Gandhi’s Basic Teachings |
National Integration and Welfare State. | Modern world forces. | Renaissance | Exploration and Discovery |
American Independence War. | Russian Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. | French Revolution. | Impact on society of science and technology. |
UN, Panchsheel, Democracy, | One World Concept. | India’s role in today’s world. | Socialism, and Communism. |
Geography | |||
Latitudes, Longitudes. | The shape and size of the Earth. | Time Concept | Earth’s movements and effects. |
Date-Line International. | Rocks and their classification; mechanical and chemical weathering, earthquakes and volcanoes. | Earth’s origin. | Ocean Currents and Tides Atmosphere and their composition |
Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure | Humidity | Planetary Winds, Cyclones and Anti-cyclones | Condensation 23 and Precipitation |
Climate Types, World’s Major Natural Regions. | Natural vegetation. | India’s regional geography— climate | Resources for minerals and power; location and distribution of agricultural and industrial activities. |
Important seaports and major seaports | Land and air routes. |
Current Affairs | |||
Knowledge of major events that have occurred in India over the past few years. | Important personalities around the world including those related to cultural and sports activities | Current major events in the world. |
English |
Vocabulary |
Grammar & Usage |
Comprehension |
Maths | ||
Algebra | Matrices and Determinants | Trigonometry |
Analytical geometry of two and three dimensions | Differential calculus | Integral calculus and differential equations |
Vector Algebra | Statistics And Probability |
Once the entrant clears the written exam they will further go for interview round & group discussion. So let have a look at some of the question that is being asked in the interview round:
They may also ask personal questions like :
These are tricky questions and entrants need to be very careful answering them. They would test how calm and composed you are. Answer wisely so that your answer doesn’t stir up new tricky questions.
Entrants who would clear the interview round will be going for the physical fitness test. Physical fitness test is a very important part of the NDA exam. Even if the entrants qualify in all the previous rounds of exam by UPSC they will have to qualify in fitness test or else they would not be able to get employed in any of the Defence departments. Rigorous training is also a part of selected entrants. Entrants would be tested on the basis of the physical standards required for various departments. On completion of all these tests entrants would be eligible to finally join the defence services.
In conclusion, the exam dates are already out now. Entrants must know UPSC NDA Syllabus and look into the UPSC NDA Vacancies 2021 to find out how many positions are open. Entrants must also prepare your UPSC IPS Study plan to crack the exam. It not very difficult to crack the exam if entrants study and do the revisions. Entrants must also be absolutely sure before applying for the NDA exam. Above all NDA offers great career and growth opportunities with a decent UPSC NDA Salary 2021 package.
There is no restriction on a number of attempts in the NDA exam. however, the entrant has to be within the age limit.
Entrants have to be at least 15.7years old to be able to appear in NDA exam.
The exam fee for NDA is Rs 100.
No, an entrant who have qualified in written and interview round will have to pass the fitness test as well to be selected.
Yes, it is possible. In fact, if an entrant does not match the physical standard required for Air Force can be absorbed immediately in any other depart of defence services. The candidates can check the syllabus for all the subjects asked in the examination to prepare well for the upcoming exam. The post also guides the candidates regarding the important preparation tips that the candidate has to follow to ace the UPSC NDA exam.