UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021: Check UPSC IFS Nationality, Education & Age Limit Details

Author : Kanak Joshi
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UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021: The IFS exam comes under the civil services exam conducted by UPSC or Union Public Service Commission. UPSC conducts the exam annually to hire candidates under IFS positions. The UPSC IFS exam is one of the most popular choice exams in Civil Services. The entrants must try their best to crack the exam. The UPSC IFS Online Application will be released soon. It is very important to understand the UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021 to complete the registration correctly.

UPSC will conduct the IFS exam in three phases the Prelim, Main and Personality test. It is also important that the entrants must go through the UPSC IFS Syllabus 2021 to know the subjects they have study. There is a vast range of syllabus to cover in IFS exam hence entrants must start preparing early.

The UPSC IFS Exam Pattern is equally important so that entrants can understand the layer of the exam and marking scheme the exam will have. Before starting the preparation entrants must go through all the criteria of UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021 to understand if they fulfill all the criteria to apply for the exam. Let’s have a look into the details of UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021.

UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021:

The UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021 criteria are divided into four parts. The nationality, Education, Age limits and Permissible Disabilities of an entrant. An entrant can make 6 attempts to crack the exam. For repeated attempts entrants have to be within the age limit criteria. Entrants who are eligible should only apply for the exam or else the registration will be canceled. Let’s have a look at the components of Eligibility criteria:

  • Nationality.
  • Age Limit
  • Educational Qualification.
  • Permissible Disabilities.

UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021: Nationality

  • The entrant must be a citizen of India or a subject of Nepal or Bhutan.
  • He or She can be a refugee from Tibet, who had come to India before January 1st, 1962, to settle down here forever.
  • The entrant can be a person of Indian origin, arrived from East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, Sri Lanka, Burma, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zaire, Ethiopia, Zambia, Malawi, and Pakistan, to settle down in India forever.
  • A person who has got a certificate of eligibility from the govt of India.
  • If the entrant is a person who has not yet received the certificate of eligibility by the govt of India, will be allowed to appear for the exam however job will only be made after he or she submits the same.

Now you already know about the very basic eligibility criteria i.e. citizenship. We will not have a look at the next most important criteria that is the Age limit for UPSC IFS.

UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021: Age Limit

  • All entrants appearing in IFS Exam must be between 21 to 30 years of age.
  • The entrants must not be born before 2nd August 1990.
  • However, there will be relaxation in the age for reserve category entrants.

Let’s have a look into the details of age relaxation:

Age Relaxation:

Age Relaxation Category
5 years after cutting the military active service period from the actual age as on the application closing date. Ex-Servicemen
3 years OBC
10 years PwD
5 years SC/ST
5 years Entrants who had been sheltered in the State of Jammu & Kashmir as permanent residents during the period (1st January 1980 to 31st December 1989).
3 years Personnel who were released from active Defense service due to disability that happened during service or enmity with any foreign country or in a disturbed area.
5 years ESCO/ SSCO who have completed 5 years in military service and issues no objection to join civil services.


The entrants must check the criteria of age relaxation and apply for benefits accordingly. Entrants must ensure that they have all the supporting documents to apply for the benefits. Now let’s have a look into the educational skill required for UPSC IFS Exam.

Check UPSC IFS Notification for vacancy & complete notification.

UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021: Educational Skill

The entrants applying for IFS exam must be holding a graduation degree from a recognized university or institute. There are subject requirements let’s have look:

  • Entrants must have a bachelor’s degree with subjects  such as:
    • Aspirants who have a technical or professional educational degree from any Govt recognized organization or institute are also eligible for this exam.
    • Entrants who have completed their MMBS but have not completed their internship are also allowed for the exam. However, they will have complete their internship before employment.
  • The entrants who are waiting for their bachelor degree results can also apply for the exam however they have to submit their certificate before the Main exam.

Other Skills Recommended:

  • Entrants must have good communication skills.
  • Knowledge of foreign cultures and countries.
  • Knowledge of current affairs worldwide.
  • Must possess leadership qualities.

All general entrants can make 6 attempts while SC ST and OBC have relaxation in the number of attempts they can take to crack the exam. SC & ST entrants have no restriction in the number of attempts taken to crack the UPSC IFS Exam. OBC, on the other hand, can take nine attempts to crack the exam. There is another thing that an entrant must note they will have to appear in the Prelim exam of Civil Service Exam and if they qualify then only they will be able to move to the Main exam. Let’s have a look into the physical standard required for the IFS exam now.

For detailed Exam Pattern for UPSC IFS Exam Pattern 2021.

UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021 Physical Standards:

  • The entrants must be physically fit. There will be a medical test that the entrants have to go through to test their fitness. Entrants have to clear the physical ability test.
  • Entrants with vision issues like myopia at 8D power/ flat foot/color blindness & knock knee will be rejected.
  • UPSC measures the entrant’s stamina with the capability of walking. For men, it is 25km walking for female entrants it is 14 KM.
  • Apart from that, there are other physical standards from the height of chest expansion. Download PDF for details of Physical standards required for UPSC IFS Exam

Hospitals for medical examination will be arranged by UPSC. No matter what all the entrants have to go through this medical test and prove their fitness.

UPSC IFS Eligibility 2021 FAQs:

What age relaxation offered for OBC entrants?

The OBC entrants will have age relaxation of 3 years.

Can an entrant appear for UPSC IFS Exam if he or she is waiting for OBC or SC certificate to be provided to them?

Yes, an entrant can appear for the exam however they have to submit the certificate during document verification. If an entrant fails to provide that they would not be employed by the UPSC.

Can an entrant appear for UPSC IFS Exam if he or she is waiting for final year's result?

Yes, an entrant can appear for UPSC IFSexam. However, they have to submit the document before the IFS Main Exam.

What is the minimum educational skill required for UPSC IFS?

Entrants must possess Graduation degree to apply for UPSC IFS Exam.

Is Adhar Card mandatory for UPSC IFS document verification?

Adhar Card is not mandatory for DV. However other govt photo Id like Pan Card, Voter card or equivalent must be submitted.

What is the max age limit for an entrant in USPC IFSExam?

Entrants must not be more than 30 years of age. In conclusion, it is clear that UPSC is very particular about the UPSC IFS Eligibility aspects. UPSC suggests each entrant make sure that they qualify each eligibility criteria and only then they should apply or else it may lead to un-necessary cancellation of their application. Apparently, UPSC doesn't allow the entrants to make any changes in the application for IFS Exam after final submission. Entrants must be careful while filling the UPSC IFS Online Application. UPSC IFS Admit Card for the exam will be released soon most likely 3 weeks before the exam, keep an eye on the UPSC IFS Notification.

Author: Kanak Joshi

Kanak Joshi is an experienced content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the education news domain for the last two years. Her role at admisure is write to SEO-based and Unique articles. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization, Microsoft Words, Microsoft Excel, and Web Content Writing.

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