The UP Police SI Cut-Off Marks is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates need to score to get qualified to clear a phase of an exam. This is the score based on which the final merit list is declared. The score obtained by the candidates is then is normalized and cut off marks are calculated for UP Police SI Exam. Cut off Marks also depends on certain factors. Let’s check them out:
We can call the marks obtained by a candidate in each phase of the exam the raw score. However, there will be multiple papers in the exam. If the candidate has obtained 84, 70, 65 and 50 in Paper I, Paper-II, Paper III and Paper IV there will an average score obtained by combining scores of all three papers. The calculation goes this way:
Average Marks= (84+70+65+50)/4.
UP Police SI exam being conducted in three phases and difficulty levels the scores, therefore, need to be normalized. The average score may vary for each batch hence normalization of the score is required. As Vacancy is one of the factors of determining the UP Police SI Cut-Off marks, let’s have a look at the UP Police SI Vacancy available for 2021:
SL NO | Category Of Entrant | No Of Vacant Position |
1 | ST | 180 |
2 | OBC | 2437 |
3 | SC | 1895 |
4 | EWS | 902 |
5 | UR (un-reserved) | 3613 |
Total | 9027 |
Now that we know how the entrants are recruited in the UP Police SI post, let’s have a look at some important details of the UP Police SI Exam 2021:
UP Police SI Info | |
UP Police Sub-Inspector | Designation |
Job Posting | All over India |
Exam Phases | Online Witten Exam, DOC VA & Physical Standard Test and Physical Efficiency Test |
Online Witten Exam | Date Not Declared Yet |
DOC VA & Physical Standard Test | Date Not Declared Yet |
Physical Efficiency Test | Date Not Declared Yet |
Exam Mode | Online (Written only) |
Conducting body | UPPRPB/ Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment & Promotion Board |
Vacancies | 9027 |
Official Website | http://uppbpb.gov.in/ |
Admit Card Release Date | Date Not Declared Yet |
The items banned in Exam Hall | Pen, pencil paper, electronic gadgets. |
Now we are aware of the important information regarding the exam. Once the candidates check the UP Police SI Eligibility and complete the UP Police SI Online Application the candidates check the Cut off marks to find out how it was determined in previous years. However, let’s have a look at how to download the UP Police SI Cut-Off:
Cut-off marks can only be declared after all the phases of the exam is done. Let’s have a look at the expected cut off marks for 2021:
SL No | Entrant Category | Female | Male |
1 | OBC | 270+ | 290+ |
2 | ST | 210+ | 230+ |
3 | SC | 240+ | 260+ |
4 | Ex-Servicemen | 280+ | 310+ |
5 | Unreserved / Gen | 290+ | 330+ |
Let’s have a look at the details of previous year cut off marks:
The reference of cut off marks is very important because that will be the factor to decide the final merit list for UP Police SI Exam. According to the official UP Police SI Notification, the exam dates have not been released yet but very soon they will be released. candidates should start following the UP Police SI Exam Pattern and study according to UP Police SI Syllabus as soon as possible. Let’s walk you through some info about the UP Police SI exam:
SL NO | Category | Marks |
1 | Female | 235+ |
2 | General | 275-290 |
3 | Freedom Fighter | 215+ |
4 | OBC | 265-275 |
5 | Ex-Serviceman | 240+ |
6 | EWS | 250-266 |
7 | ST | 247-255 |
8 | SC | 255-263 |
SL NO | Category | Marks |
1 | ST | 243.55 |
2 | General | 227.03 |
3 | SC | 215+ |
4 | OBC | 230.46 |
SL NO | Category | Marks |
1 | Female | 239.2500 |
2 | General | 332.9167 |
3 | Freedom Fighter | 215+ |
4 | OBC | 321.2500 |
5 | Ex-Serviceman | 271.5000 |
6 | ST | 235.4167 |
7 | SC | 283.9127 |
The factors determining UP Police SI Cut Off Marks are quite simple. The previous year’s cut off marks will also help you in making an analysis of expected cut-off marks for 2021. However, the main focus should be on preparing for the UP Police SI Online Written Exam first as all the rounds of the exam is qualifying. Candidates are advised to create a UP Police SI Study Plan and study accordingly for further progress.
All phases of exams are considered to normalize score and then determine the UP Police SI Cut-Off Marks.
Score normalization is important because the UP Police SI exam has various phases with various format. It would be difficult to conclude average score and publish a merit list if score Normalization is not done.
Yes, the DV phase is also considered in the final Cut Off.
Yes, consideration is made for the reserved category of candidates in the UP Police SI exam.
Yes, the physical standard and Physical efficiency is important round for final selection of candidates for UP Police SI.