AFCAT 2 Result will be declared soon after the completion of the exam. Indian Air Force publishes AFCAT 2 Result on the official website. Only the candidates who have appeared for the exam will be eligible to download the Result. They need to enter the registration number and password to access the Result. Candidates are advised to take a printout of the AFCAT 2 Result available in the PDF Format and preserve it till the completion of the exam. The final merit list is prepared based on the performance of the candidates in the online exam and AFSB interviews. Candidates can check the complete details about AFCAT 2 Result 2021 from this article and AFCAT 2 Exam from our site. Online AFCAT examination will be conducted on 28 Aug 21, 29 Aug 21, and 30 Aug 21.
Online AFCAT examination will be conducted on 28 Aug 21, 29 Aug 21, and 30 Aug 21. Candidates can check the important dates of the AFCAT Application Form mentioned below in the following table:
Events | Dates |
AFCAT Notification | 1st June, 2021 |
AFCAT Application Form Release Date | 1st June, 2021 |
AFCAT Application Form Last Date | 30th June, 2021 |
AFCAT Admit Card | August, 2021 |
AFCAT 2 2021 Exam Date | 28 Aug 21, 29 Aug 21, and 30 Aug 21 |
AFCAT 2 Result | - |
The applicants need to download AFCAT 2 Results from the official website with the required credentials. They can download the result after the completion of each stage of the exam. The candidates are required to qualify all the stages of the AFCAT to get selected for the post. Candidates are advised to check the official website regularly for further updates on the exam. Check the following steps to download the AFCAT 2 Result.
AFCAT 2 Result will be declared soon after the completion of the exam. Indian Air Force publishes results for all the rounds on the official website. Only the candidates who have appeared for the exam will be eligible to download the AFCAT 2 Result. The following details will be mentioned in the Result:
The marking scheme of AFCAT mentioned below:
Add three marks for every correct answer
Deduct one mark for every wrong answer
There will be no deduction of marks for unattempted or unanswered questions
The Indian Air force will declare the list of the shortlisted candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks and cleared the AFCAT round. After the declaration of the Result, the selected candidates will be called to appear for the AFSB Interview round which will be conducted in three stages and it is compulsory to clear all the stages of the AFSB Interview to be considered for the final selection.
The final merit list is prepared based on the performance of the candidates in the online exam and AFSB interviews. Candidates have to secure more than or equivalent to the minimum qualifying marks in both rounds set by the Indian Air Force to be considered for the final selection. The final allotment is done based on the performance of the candidates, availability of the vacancies, and preference of the applicants.
AFCAT is conducted twice a year
The time duration of AFCAT exam is 2 hours and for EKT is 45 minutes
The AFCAT Syllabus cover subjects like General Awareness, Numerical Ability, English, Reasoning, and Military Aptitude Test.
Kanak Joshi is an experienced content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the education news domain for the last two years. Her role at admisure is write to SEO-based and Unique articles. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization, Microsoft Words, Microsoft Excel, and Web Content Writing.
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