The CGPSC had invited applications for Assistant engineers to be hired through State Engineering services. Entrants who want to apply for the exam must go through the CGPSC AE eligibility criteria for 2021. Entrants must only apply if the required eligibility criteria are matching with them. There are 83 available vacancies ad per the Official […]
Every year CGPSC conducts the AE exam through State Engineering Service. This year the CGPSC AE online application is starting from 17th August 2021. There are 86 vacant positions available as per CGPSC AE Recruitment Notification 2021. Among which the 83 vacancies, 80 vacant positions are for AE Civil and 3 vacant positions are for […]
The Chattisgarh Public Service Commission has invited applications for the recruitment of Assistant Engineers in 2021. The CGPSC Online Application for Assistant Engineers starts from August 17th 2021 onward. The Online application form CGPSC can be done through the official website of CGPSC. The CGPSC is responsible for conducting Civil Service exams to recruit people in […]