SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 : Tier I, Tier II & Tier III Syllabus and Required Documents

Author : Kanak Joshi
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SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021:

The candidates who have passed standard 12th and are looking to secure a Government job must be aware of the upcoming SSC CHSL exam organised by Staff Selection Commission(SSC) in April 2021. All aspirants should complete the process of SSC CHSL Apply Online. The candidates should go through the SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021, the exam pattern and previous years cut off to have an insight into the exam. This would help an entrant to prepare themselves for the exam. Apart from this candidates must go through the SSC CHSL Eligibility criteria and find out if they are fit to apply for the exam. candidates should keep a track of SSC CHSL Notification, to know the admit card release date.


SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021- the pattern of exam:

There is three-phase of the exam, the Tier-I CBT phase, Tier-II descriptive paper and Tier-III skill test. All candidates appearing for this exam must have good typing skills. Let’s have a look at the brief description of the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern below:

Tier Exam Type Exam Mode
Tier 1 Objective type Multiple Choice questions Online
Tier 2 Descriptive Paper either in English or Hindi language. Offline- pen and Paper Exam
Tier 3 Skill Test: Data Entry Speed Test / Computer Proficiency Test This is applicable to all posts.
Document Verification.

The above table shows the phases of the exam and how it is conducted. We will now move to the details of the SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 and its subjects and topics:

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 Tier I:

In Tier 1 you will get multiple-choice objective-type questions. This is a computer-based exam. In this phase, you will get questions based on the 10th and 12th standard levels.


  • General intelligence and reasoning.
  • English comprehension.
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • General Awareness.

Before we go into the details of the syllabus let’s have a look into the marking scheme for the Tier-I exam:

Subjects Approx. Questions Total Marks Time Allowed
General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 50 60 Minutes

For normal candidates and for VH & Candidates suffering from Cerebral Palsy:80 minutes.

English Comprehension 25 50
General Knowledge 25 50
Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
Total 100 200

We can see the marking scheme in the above table let’s have a look into the topic that comes under each paper.

Topics of SSC CHSL Exam Tier-I:

General Intelligence and Reasoning General Awareness Quantitative Aptitude English Comprehension
Classification Static General Knowledge Simplification Sentences Shuffling in a passage.
Analogy Science Interest Indirect narration
Coding-Decoding Current Affairs Averages Spellings and finding misspelt, words.
Paper Folding Method Sports Percentage Phrases and Idioms
Matrix Books and Authors Ratio and Proportion One word Substitution
Word Formation Important Schemes Problem on Ages Sentence Correction
Venn Diagram People in the News Speed, Distance and Time Error Spotting
Direction and Distance History Number System Fill in the Blanks
Blood Relations Geography Mensuration Active/Passive
Series Economic Data Interpretation Narrations
Verbal reasoning Awards and Honours Time and Work  Conversion into Direct / Indirect narration
Non-Verbal Reasoning Economic Algebra  Improvement of Sentences
 Figural Series Portfolios Trigonometry  Synonyms
Critical Thinking Geometry Antonyms
 Emotional Intelligence
Word Building
Social Intelligence
Semantic Series
Other sub-topics
Figural Pattern-folding and completion
Embedded figure

Important Points

  • The candidates will get 2 marks for each right answer.
  • The total marks in the exam will be 200.
  • There will be negative marking as well. For every wrong answer, 0.50 marks will be cut.
  • No deduction will be there for leaving a question unanswered.
  • There will no sectional deduction as well.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 Tier-II

Tier II is a descriptive paper and candidates will be tested on the basis of their writing skills. They will be asked to write letters, essays, precis, and applications, depending on the post they have applied for. candidates will be given 1 hour of time for this paper and this paper can be written in English or Hindi. They must read newspapers, magazines, etc to develop their word stalk and writing skills.

The candidates should also know the latest letter and application writing formats. Some common topics basis on which you may have to write about are Politics, Sports, Technology, SSC CHSL 2021 Syllabus, Social Issues, and Environment. The minimum qualifying marks in Tier 2 would be 33%.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 Essay Writing Topics- Tier-II:

Jan-Dan Yojana Demonetization Stand up India for students Empowerment of Women
Start-up India Beti Bachao Beti Pahoa Cashless economy Union Indian Budget
Role of technology in India’s development. GST bill & its benefits Eradication of black money from India Make in India
Intellectual Property Rights Technology Advancement in India (ISRO) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDSA)
UDAN Scheme Monthly Allowance of Rs. 1500 to Unemployed & Poor Scheme Pregnancy Aid Scheme

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 Letter Writing Topics- Tier-II :

Complain letter Letter to Editor/ Authority in-charge Application letter
  • Too much traffic in your locality.
  • Increasing noise pollution.
  • Trouble faced by common people due to bad roads/ no electricity/ demonetization.
  • Corruption in the country.
  • Effect of digitization on the youth of today.
  • To schedule/ reschedule an interview date,
  • For the post of a manager/ assistant/ clerk etc. in a company.
  • To accept/ reject a job opportunity.
  • To postpone the date of joining the company


  • Minimum qualifying marks for the Tier II exam will be 33%.
  • Essays must be written within 200 to 250 words.
  • Letters must be written within 150 to 200 words.
  • The time limit is 1 hour.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 Tier III:

The candidates who will qualify in Tier-I and Tier-II exams will further go for a computer skill test. After qualifying in this round they will further appear in the document verification round on the basis of normalized score and document verification the final selection on an entrant will happen. Let’s have a look, how this exam is conducted.

  • The Commission will provide the computer to conduct the exam. The exam language medium is either Hindi or English.
  • The skill test errors will be determined by 2 decimal places.
  • For Data entry operators skill test is mandatory and none of the candidates belonging to any category is relieved from appearing in this test.
  • The typing speed will differ from one post to another. The typing spread will be further extracted from the accuracy of typed words.
  • Disabled candidates who want to apply for the scribe option must produce a disability certificate.
  • The candidates who are proved to be permanently disabled and pre-approved by the commission will be exempted from the skill test exam.
  • The candidates may download the Official PDF for more info.
  • VH or Visually Handicapped candidates will be provided with 30 mins to complete this test.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 Post-Wise Typing Speed Requirement:

Post Name Typing Speed Test Time Expectation
All posts 8000 words per hour. 15 mins 2000 words need to enter in 15 mins. The matter will be in the English language.
Data Entry Operator Grade A (controller office) 15,000 words per hour. 15 mins 3700-4000 words need to enter in 15 mins. The matter will be in the English language.
Auditor General of India
LDC/ JSA English medium 10,500 keys & Hindi medium 9000 Keys per hour. 10 mins for normal candidates. English medium- enter 35 words per min & Hindi medium- enter 30 per min.
Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant 15 mins for candidates eligible for the scribe option.

The typing tests will need a lot of practice for improving speed and correct typing, Hence candidates must practice typing every day. You may also use some online typing test portals to take the typing test, for example, Rata Type. After the typing test candidates will have to appear for document verification hence let’s have a look into the documents required for the DV round:

SSC CHSL Documents Required for Verification:

  • Govt Photo ID card or Adhaar card, Driving license, passport.
  • Cast certificate in case the entrant has a reservation of SC/ ST/ OBC.
  • All educational qualification certificates.
  • Age proof could be a photo ID, card Birth certificate etc.
  • Certificate of disability in case disabled candidates.
  • Age relaxation-related certificate.
  • No objection certificate for candidates who are already serving under the Government of India.
  • Age relaxation certificate for EX-service men.
  • candidates must bring their computer education certificate according to job profile requirements.
  • candidates must also carry a few passport size photographs preferably the same photograph that they uploaded during the SSC CHSL Online Application.
  • The pan card should also be carried along with all other documents.

The topics to cover in the SSC CHSL exam are vast however, it is not hard to cover all if an entrant starts early. Keep in mind candidates have to qualify for all the exam phases and then they will be selected for employment. There will be reservations in SSC CHSL Cut Off marks for various groups of candidates as well.

candidates must also know if they can clear the exam and secure a job in SSC CHSL they will be entitled to get a good SSC CHSL Salary. Start solving the last year’s paper and follow the SSC CHSL Study Plan as well, to get an idea of the exam and you will be able to crack the exam with flying colours.

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2021 FAQ:

Are all the Tiers of the SSC CHSL exam must-attend for all candidates?

All Tiers of SSC CHSL is a must-attend for all posts within SSC CHSL. Only permanently disabled may be exempted from skill test with permission of the commission.

How many papers are there in the SSC CHSL Tier-II exam?

There are four papers in the Tier-II exam of the SSC CHSL

Is there any negative marking applicable in Tier-I?

Yes, 0.50 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.

Is there any negative marking applicable in Tier-II?

Tier-II is a descriptive paper and scoring will be done on the basis of merit and quality of writing.

When can we collect the admit card for the Tier-II exam of the SSC CHSL?

All admit cards can be out from the Official web page of SSC, however, the exact date to release the admit card for SSC CHSL has not yet been released.

What is the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2021?

As per the SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2021, the important subjects in the Tier I exams are General intelligence and reasoning, English comprehension, Quantitative Aptitude and General Awareness. While Tier II is a descriptive type question paper with Essay writing and Letter writing questions. Tier III is a Data Entry Skill Test / Computer Proficiency Test. Finally comes the document verification process.

Author: Kanak Joshi

Kanak Joshi is an experienced content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the education news domain for the last two years. Her role at admisure is write to SEO-based and Unique articles. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization, Microsoft Words, Microsoft Excel, and Web Content Writing.

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