The UPSC conducts the UPSC CAPF exam annually for eligible candidates. CAPF Exam is conducted yearly to hire for the various security forces. The UPSC CAPF Online Application will commence soon for the eligible candidates It is very important to understand the UPSC CAPF Eligibility 2021 to complete the registration correctly.
UPSC will do the CAPF exam in 3 phases the Written Test, Physical test and Interview. It is also advised that the candidates must go through the UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2021 to know the subjects they have to study.
The UPSC CAPF Exam Pattern on the other hand helps candidates to understand the layer of the exam and marking. Before starting to prepare candidates must go through all the criteria of UPSC CAPF Eligibility 2021 to know if they fulfill all the criteria to apply for the exam. Let’s have a look into the details:
The UPSC CAPF Eligibility 2021 criteria are divided into four parts. The nationality, Education, Age limits and Fitness of a candidate. A candidate can make unlimited attempts to crack the exam. However, candidates have to be within the age limit. eligible candidates should apply for the exam or else the registration will be canceled. Let’s have a look at the aspects of Eligibility:
Now you already know about the very basic eligibility criteria i.e. citizenship. We will not have a look at the next aspect of criteria that is the Age limit for UPSC CAPF.
Category | Age Limit |
General | Min 20- Max 25 years |
SC/ST | Min 20- Max 30 years |
OBC | Min 20 – Max 28 Years |
Civil Working under Central govt | Min 20- Max 30 years |
Ex-serviceman | |
People domiciled in J&K between Jan 1980-Dec 1989 |
The above table shows the age criteria for various depts. Now let’s have a look into the educational skills needed for the CAPF exam:
If the candidate meets the required educational skill needed for the CAPF exam then only they should apply for it. However, if a candidate fails to provide a valid certificate or if it doesn’t have the date of issuing.
Now let’s move to the next and most imp aspect of eligibility, which is Physical fitness. As it the CAPF exam is solely conducted for hiring people in the security forces of India. The physical fitness of a candidate plays a major role. Let’s have a look into the details:
A security force officer has to work in many adverse situations. candidates must ensure that they are physically fit & mentally strong to handle each situation. UPSC have some fixed standards in the matter of fitness for security officers, let’s have a look.
Sl No | Physical Standard | Women | Men |
1 | Weight | 46Kg | 50kg |
2 | Height | 157cm | 165cm |
3 | Chest | NA | 81cm (5cm expansion on inhaling) |
Sl No | Aspects | Week Eye | Good Eye |
1 | Near Vision | N9 | N6 |
2 | Refractive Error Limit | + 4D (including cylinder) Hypermetropia | – 4D (including cylinder) Myopia |
3 | Distance Vision | 6/12 | 6/6 |
6/9 | 6/9 |
LASIK Surgery Correction Prescribed Criteria For candidates:
Sl No | Aspects | Criteria |
1 | Age | 18-35 |
2 | Pre LASIK Error | 6 D |
3 | Corneal Thickness | 425 micron |
4 | Axis length | 21-26 mm |
5 | Post Operative | Stable period refractive flap |
6 | Interval | 6months post-operative period mandatory |
Note: a candidate who went through LASIK surgery must wait for 6months before applying in CAPF. This time gap is mandatory by the commission.
Male | 15 ° |
Female | 20 ° |
In conclusion, UPSC is very particular about the UPSC CAPF Eligibility 2021 aspects. UPSC suggests each candidate make sure that they qualify each eligibility criteria and only then they should apply or else it may lead to un-necessary cancellation of their application. candidates must be careful while filling the UPSC CAPF Online Application 2021 to ensure each details math their document and paperwork. UPSC CAPF Admit Card for the exam will be released soon, keep an eye on the UPSC CAPF Notification 2021.
The minimum age limit for the CAPF exam is 20 years.
Yes, a candidate can appear for the exam however they have to submit the certificate during document verification. If a candidate fails to provide that they would not be employed by the UPSC.
Yes, a candidate can appear for the UPSC CAPF exam. However, they have to submit the document as and when asked for document verification.
The candidates must have a bachelor's degree to apply for the UPSC CAPF Exam.
The candidates willing to apply for the CAPF exam must not be more than 25 years of age. The candidates waiting for the official notification of CAPF should keep a tab on this page to get the latest information related to eligibility criteria, age limit, educational qualification etc.
Silki Joshi is a Content Writer with experience of 3+ years in the Edtech domain. She has mostly worked for competitive exams like Banking and SSC exams.
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