UPSC CDS 2 Exam Pattern 2021: The notification for UPSC CDS 2 2021 has been released on 4th August 2021 on the official UPSC site and the exam for the same is likely to be conducted on 14th November 2021. UPSC has released the UPSC CDS 2 Syllabus, Exam Pattern and notification which will contain non-technical vacancies for the candidates who want to build their career in the Indian Army, Air Force, and Navy. According to the latest update, the UPSC CDS 2 2021 application form will begin from 4th August. All the interested and eligible candidates are advised to submit the online form on or before 24th August 2021. The candidates can check the UPSC CDS 2 2021 exam date schedule. Scroll through this page to get important details like UPSC CDS 2 Exam Pattern.
The application form for UPSC CDS 2 2021 has been released on 4th August 2021. Refer to the following table to know the exam dates mentioned below:
Events | Important Dates |
UPSC CDS 2 2021 Notification Date | 4th August 2021 |
UPSC CDS 2 2021 Online Application Begins | 4th August 2021 |
Last date to submit an application form | 24th August 2021 |
UPSC CDS 2 2021 Exam Date | 14th November 2021 |
UPSC CDS 2 Admit Card 2021 | October 2021 |
We have shared below all the important information regarding the selection process of UPSC CDS 2. The candidates will be selected for INA, IMA, AFA, and Officers Training Academy posts based on the stages mentioned below:
The preparation of a merit list is done for those candidates who obtain high scores in the written examination and SSB Interview. The candidate should remember that the final selection will be done on the basis of the medical examination.
The selection process of UPSC CDS 2 2021 is mentioned below:
(a) Written Examination
(b) Intelligence & Personality Interview
There is a difference between the CDS 2 examination pattern of Officer Training Academy and Indian Naval Academy/Indian Military Academy/Indian Air Force.
The Indian Naval Academy//Indian Air Force/ Indian Military contains 3 sections which carry a maximum of 300 marks. The time duration of each exam is 2 hours.
Subjects | Marks | Duration |
English | 100 | 2 hours |
General Knowledge | 100 | 2 hours |
Elementary Mathematics | 100 | 2 hours |
There are two sections in the Officer Training Academy (OTA) exam. The exam carries a total of 200 Marks. The overall duration of both the exams is 4 hours i.e 2 hours for each paper.
Subjects | Marks | Duartion |
English | 100 | 2 hours |
General Knowledge | 100 | 2 hours |
The applicants must prepare and be ready for the upcoming UPSC CDS 2 Exam. The applicants must prepare a study schedule to complete the studying of the UPSC CDS 2 syllabus mentioned in the Notification. The applicants can increase their chances of success by attempting the mock tests and Practice sets regularly. The syllabus for the UPSC CDS 2 is vast and required special care while preparing for the exam so that candidates can easily qualify for it.
The syllabus is vast and therefore the candidates are required to refer to it while preparing for the exam so that there is no confusion among the applicants regarding which topic is important and which are irrelevant. Candidates can get information about the syllabus from the Notification. Scroll down the article to go through the Syllabus specified in the UPSC CDS 2 Notification to crack the exam in one attempt:
Basic Grammar, Synonyms, Comprehension Solving, Antonyms, Para Jumbles, Error Spotting, etc
Current affairs, Geography, History, Physics, Biology, Political Science, etc.
The SSB procedure comprises two-stage Selection processes – stage I and stage II. Only those candidates who qualify in stage I are allowed to appear for stage II. The details are mentioned below:-
(a) Stage I comprises of Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests are Picture Perception* Description Test (PP&DT). The candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in both the OIR Test and PP&DT.
(b) Stage II Comprises Interview, Group Testing Officer Tasks, Psychology Tests, and the Conference. These tests will be conducted over 4 days.
The application form for UPSC CDS 2 2021 has been released on 4th August 2021 released on the official website.
The UPSC CDS 2 exam for the same is likely to be conducted on 14th November 2021
There is a total of 339 vacancies released for UPSC CDS 2 Exam 2021
There selection process UPSC CDS 2 2021 comprises two stages: Written Examination Intelligence & Personality Interview
Kanak Joshi is an experienced content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the education news domain for the last two years. Her role at admisure is write to SEO-based and Unique articles. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization, Microsoft Words, Microsoft Excel, and Web Content Writing.
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