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in CBSE by (90.1k points)
Explain Rikli and Jones senior citizen fitness test in detail.

3 Answers

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by (90.1k points)
Rikli And Jones Senior Citizens Fitness Test was developed by Dr. Roberta and Dr. Jessie Jones of Fullerton University. It includes:

Chair Stand Test-  to measure leg strength and endurance Procedure  The subject is advised to sit on the chair with arms crossed around the wrists and hands are kept close to the chest. After this the subject stands completely and then reaches again the same sitting position. This activity is repeated for 30 seconds.

  Arm Curl Test - to measure upper body strength. Procedure – The subject sits on the chair keeping the back straight and holds weight in ! strong hand. The subject performs arm curls in 30 seconds.

Back Scratch Test-to measure range of motion of shoulder.

Procedure -The subject is advised to stand initially. After this one hand is placed behind the head and other arm is bent behind the back. Test administrator helps in guiding the subject about the alignment of the fingertips. If the tip of both index finger touches, then the score is awarded zero. In case it is not touching the gap is measured and this is awarded as negative score. While overlapping distance is given as positive score. Reading is taken twice and the best score is awarded. Eight Foot Up and Go Test – to measure speed, agility and balance while moving.  Procedure – A cone is placed 8 feet away from the chair which is placed away from wall. On the command “go” the subject starts before sitting on chair. The subject is advised to walk briskly and turn around the cone and again sits on the chair. The time is measured for this whole activity.
The two trials are conducted. The best trial is counted for scoring,

 Six Minute Walk Test - to measure aerobic fitness.  Procedure- the walking course is marked in a 50 yard (45.72 meters) rectangular area dimensions 45><5 yards
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