The IBPS started recruiting entrants by conducting a Common Written Exam (CWE) every yr. since 2011 to recruit officers, SO, and clerks in Public Sector Banks. IBPS SO is an exam conducted every year by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection for recruitment of Specialty Officer Grade. The IBPS has released the official notification on the official website of IBPS, so entrants interested can check it. The IBPS SO Exam is conducted all over India.
To begin the prep. of the IBPS SO Exam, the entrant must be well known about the IBPS SO Syllabus 2021 which is given in detail below. The entrants must also check the IBPS SO Exam Pattern 2021 also to aware of the IBPS SO Exam Pattern of this yr. IBPS recruits entrants through 3 stages: IBPS SO Prelims Exam, IBPS SO Mains Exam, IBPS SO Interview. Both the exams are online mode, IBPS SO Prelims Exam is an obj. type ques. paper and the IBPS SO Mains Exam is a des. type ques. paper.
Activity | Tentative Dates |
IBPS SO Admit Card for Prelim 2021 | November 2021 |
IBPS SO Prelims Exam | 18th Dec 2021 – 26th Dec 2021 |
IBPS SO Prelims Exam Results | Dec 2021 |
Download of IBPS SO Mains Admit Card | January 2022 |
IBPS SO Mains Exam | 30th January 2022 |
IBPS SO Mains Exam Result | Feb 2022 |
The IBPS SO Exam Syllabus 2021 is the same as the prev. yr. therefore, no changes. IBPS has introduced separate sectional timing for each section in the IBPS SO Prelims Exam. This exam has 3 sections with 120mins total time given and sectional time given is 40mins each. The total marks allotted is 125 and ques. asked in total is 150. The score of the IBPS SO Prelims Exam will not be taken into account for the IBSPS SO Final Merit List. The IBPS SO Prelims Exam syllabus is given in detail below:
Seating Arrangements, Puzzles, Inequalities, Syllogism, Input, Output, Data Sufficiency, Blood Relations, Order and Ranking, Alphanumeric Series, Distance and Direction, Verbal Reasoning.
Cloze Test, Reading Comprehension, Spotting Errors, Sentence Improvement, Sentence Correction, Para Jumbles, Fill in the Blanks, Para/Sentence Completion.
Number Series, Data Interpretation, Simplification/Approximation, Quadratic Eqn., Data Sufficiency, Mensuration, Average, Profit and Loss, Ratio and Proportion, Work, Time and Energy, Time and Distance, Probability, Relations, Simple and Compound Int., Permutation and Combination.
Current Affairs, Banking Awareness, GK Updates, Currencies, Imp. Places, Books and Authors, Awards, HQ, PM Scheme Imp. Days.
The second stage of IBPS SO RECRUIT. is IBPS SO Mains Exam. The entrants are eligible to appear in the IBPS SO Mains Exam only if they are able to clear IBPS SO Cut Off Marks for Prelims. The final selection of entrants will be based on the marks scored in the IBPS SO Mains Exam and IBPS SO Interview. Check detailed info about the IBPS SO Syllabus of Mains Exam given below.
Database Mgmt. The system, Data Comm. Networking, Operating System, Software Engineering, Data Structure, Comp. Org. and Microprocessor, Obj. Oriented Programming.
Basics of Crop Prod., Horticulture, Seed Science, Agronomy and Irrigation, Agriculture Economies, Agricultural Practices, Soil Resources, Animal Husbandry, Agroforestry, Ecology, Govt. Schemes.
Basics of Mgmt., Brand Mgmt., Advertising, PR, Sales, Business Ethics, Retail, Mkt Segment, Mkt. Research Forecasting Demand, Product Life Cycle, Mkt. Strategies, Service Marketing, Corp. Social.
Banking Regulations, Compliance, and Legal Aspects, Relevant Law and Orders related to Negotiable Instruments, Securities, and Foreign Exchange, prevention of Money Laundering, Limitation Act, Consumer Protection Act, SARFAES, Banking Ombudsman Scheme, Laws and Actions with Direct Link to Banking Sector, Bankers Book Evidence Act, DRT Act.
Human Resource Development, Business Policy, and Strategic Analysis, Transnational Analysis, Training and Development, Recruit. and Selection, rewards and Recognition, Industrial Relations, Business Policy, and Strategic Analysis, Grievance and Conflict Mgmt., Perf. Mgmt. and Appraisal.
The latest updated revision of Bank SO Salary as per 10th Bipartite Settlement took place on Nov 2012. The salary of a bank SO or a clerk or an employee in major Public Sector Banks are the same. Though, the revised Basic Pay of an IBPS SO is Rs.21990 as applicable on 01.01.16. Therefore, the new entrant will get a basic pay of Rs.21990 and a salary in the hand of Rs.19590.
To know more details about the IBPS SO Salary Structure, click here.
The Nodal banks or participating org. may provide Pre-Exam Training for the SC/ST/Religious Community entrants at certain centres as pres. by the Govt. of India. The training helps the entrants to be well aware of the types of ques. asked in all the exams, common mistakes, time mgmt., best practices, basic tricks, and approaches by experts from training org. The Pre-Exam Training Is Free of Cost and is done five days prior to the exam. The entrants who want the training must download their call letter for training from the Official Website must provide their registered mail id and password.
Entrants who have applied for Scale 2 and Scale 3 posts will only go through the prelim exam rest will only have one main exam.
There will 40 questions of Quantitative Aptitude of 1 mark each.
There will be sectional cut off as well hence entrants must be very careful.
There will be no marks cut for leaving a question unanswered in any section.
There will be min score relaxation for a reserved group of entrants.
As per the official website, the IBPS SO exam will consist of a preliminary exam, Mains exam and an interview. The exam will be held online and the questions asked in the exam will be objective in nature. The candidates can check the subject wise marks distribution along with the duration for the post they are applying for. Each correct answer will give 1 mark while each wrong answer will deduct 0.25 marks.
A passionate writer and education enthusiast. Looking forward to the digitization of education and helping students in achieving their goals.
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