The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection or IBPS is an autonomous body that conducts the IBPS PO 2021 exam and also sets the IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2021 for the online exams. It provides its services to all public sector banks, SBI, associate banks of SBI, RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, few cooperative banks, LIC, few insurance companies which are regular members of the IBPS society, Regional Rural Banks, many Public Sector Undertakings of Non-Financial Sectors, Govt. Departments and State-owned companies and Corp. IBPS PO exam provides the post of Probationary Officer (PO) or Management Trainee (MT). There are more than 4000 vacancies and the no. of participants is more than 20 lakhs, so the competition is huge. IBPS started conducting the Common Written Exams from 2011 to recruit officers and clerks by three-tier exam pattern Selection Process. IBPS PO Prelims Exam, IBPS PO Main Exam, and an Interview Round which will be discussed below. The IBPS PO Exam Pattern is out along with the IBPS PO official notification.
Click here to read the IBPS PO official notification.
The aspirants of the IBPS PO exam should have the following things, to appear in the exams and also in the interview:
Click here to view the IBPS PO Exam syllabus.
The eligibility criteria for the entrants wishing to sit for the IBPS PO Exam are as follows:
See the IBPS PO Eligibility Criteria.
The IBPS PO Exam pattern is quite simple to understand. This exam is conducted online with 3 sections: English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Logical Reasoning. Each one of them with a time limit of 20 mins. All the ques in this exam are obj. type (MCQ). The lang. used in the exam in the Eng. Lang. section is Eng. and for the other sections the lang.s it is Eng. and Hindi. The ques. asked in this exam are from the concepts of 10th standards. To qualify for this exam, the entrant must clear both sectional and overall cut off which are set by the IBPS itself.
Sections | Total Ques | Total Marks | Time Allotted in mins |
Eng. Lang. | 30 | 30 | 20 |
Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 |
Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 |
Penalty for wrong answers: Each ques. carries 1 mark. There is a penalty for each wrong answer. For each wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. If a ques. is left blank then there will be no marks allotted for that ques. Marking 2 answers at once is not possible in the online exam format since 2013.
To appear in the IBPS PO main exam the entrants have to qualify for the IBPS PO prelim exam. IBPS PO main exam is an online exam. There are 157 obj. ques. in all and 2 descriptive ques. In the objective type questions, there are 4 sections namely Eng. Lang., Data Analysis and Interpretation, Reasoning and Comp. Apt., General Awareness. The descriptive part has 2 ques. one for letter writing and the other for essay writing. Furthermore, the applicants will be given sectional timing. The entrants will not be able to swap between the sections. The rules for attempting the wrong answers are the same as above. The marks obtained by the entrants are not disclosed to the entrants before the interview process.
Section Name | Total Ques. | Total Marks | Time Allotted in Mins |
Eng. Lang. | 35 | 40 | 40 |
Data Interpretation and Analysis | 35 | 60 | 45 |
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude | 45 | 60 | 60 |
General Awareness | 40 | 40 | 35 |
English (Essay and Letter Writing: Descriptive) | 2 | 25 | 30 |
Total | 157 | 225 | 3 hrs 30 mins |
This is the final stage of the selection process of the IBPS PO Exam. The Personal Interview is conducted by the participating org. separately in the coordination of the Nodal banks of each state IBPS. Students who qualify for the main round are allowed to sit for the interview.
There is no fixed pattern of questions asked by the interviewers. Generally, the questions asked by the interviewer are related to Banking, General or Economy Awareness. This test has 100 marks in which the candidate has to achieve a minimum of 40% (in general) and for others (like SC /ST) the candidate must achieve 35% to qualify for the interview. IBPS PO combined score for the main round and the interview round is in the ratio of 80:20 respectively. In this interview round, a candidate’s communication and personality skills are checked.
After the interview is concluded Provisional Allotment is done according to the preferences of the candidate given at the time of registration and also the vacancies of the banks chosen are kept in the account. While appearing for the interview the candidate must produce all valid prescribed documents. The absence of which would lead to the cancellation of the candidature of the candidate. IBPS or any participating organizations will not take any responsibilities for any documents sent separately. The interview of the candidate will be held in centres selected by IBPS. The details of the centre (centre name, address of the avenue, time and date of the interview) will be mentioned in the call letter received by the interviewee. The selected candidates for the interview need to download the call letter from the authorized IBPS website www.ibps.in. No changes regarding the IBPS PO interview mentioned in the call letter will be entertained. The reserving agencies hold the right to change the date/time/centre/place etc. of the interview or hold supplementary process for the above of candidates at its discretion under foreseen circumstances if any.
Click here to IBPS PO apply online
20 lakh aspirants are appearing for this examination so the level of competition is very high. The IBPS PO syllabus is huge so the candidates must work hard, focus, practice and solve problems regularly. The level of difficulty of questions increases from the preliminary exam to the main examination and from 2019 they have increased the difficulty level of the main examination. So here are some tips for the aspirants:
Reading newspapers will increase both one’s General Knowledge and also Grammar Knowledge. Also one needs to improve his grammar knowledge as that domain is very scoring. Solving daily puzzles from newspapers and magazines improve time management skills.
This section is really tricky as it checks the patience level of the candidates. The candidates need to be thorough with the basic concepts so that the questions can be solved easily. A syllogism is a very scoring topic that can be solved by inequality. In the main exam questions on computer hardware, computer software, networks, operating systems, etc. are asked.
Basic formulae will help to solve the questions so focus on the basics. For the topic, the quadratic equations shortcut method is preferable as the original ones are very lengthy and will consume more time and during the examinations, time management is very necessary. The candidates must use quick calculation tricks as it will help them fetch 15-20 marks in the examination. Maintain good speed and accuracy is a must as it will save the candidate from negative markings.
The candidates must prepare notes on Banking and Financial terminologies, static GK questions, current affairs and banking awareness which will help the candidate while revising.
Candidates must be updated about the current affairs and all the banking terminologies. The candidates must be well dressed and groomed for the interview. They should have the basic etiquette of entering the hall with permission and greeting them, they should show confidence and not be nervous as it is a very negative attitude. Maintain eye contact and a smile with the interviewers is very essential and after the interview, the candidate must stand up politely, give them a proper handshake, and leave the room quietly after greeting them a good day or night ahead.
To view IBPS PO cutoff marks click here: IBPS PO Cut Off Marks.
Yes, there is a prescribed negative marking of 0.25 marks in the IBPS PO exam.
Yes, the syllabus for the preliminary and Mains exam is different.
In the descriptive paper of the IBPS PO exam, the candidates will be required to write an essay and a letter on the computer.
Yes, there is a sectional timing in the IBPS PO preliminary as well as Mains exam.
According to the IBPS PO Exam pattern, there will be three stages i.e. Preliminary, Mains and Interview round. The candidates who clear all three stages will be called for the next round. There will be a prescribed cut off for the candidates at each level of the IBPS PO exam.