Staff Selection Commission has announced the dates for SSC Stenographer Skill Test 2019. The exam was supposed to be conducted in 2019. However, due to the outbreak of Covid 19 in December 2019, the exam was postponed. We have witnessed the longest lockdown period in 2020. Now that major vaccination has happened in India, the […]
The Staff Selection Commission has declared the SSC Stenographer exam date for 2021. As per the official notice, the SSC exams are scheduled between 5th May – 7th May 2021. Entrants who want to apply for the exam must know the correct way to fill the online registration form or else the registration might get […]
The SSC Stenographer Notification for recruitment was declared in October 2020. This brought a great opportunity to entrants with stenography skills to secure a Govt job with good pay and the option to grow. Apart from that, there are other perks and benefits that an entrant can enjoy in this job post. Go through SSC […]
What is SSC Stenographer Cut Off 2021 Marks? The SSC Stenographer Cut Off 2021 Marks in the min qualifying marks that aspirants need to score to get qualified to clear a phase of an exam. Based on which the final merit list is declared. The score obtained is normalized and then the calculation for cut-off […]
The SSC released the SSC Stenographer 2021 Exam notice in October 2021 The SSC Stenographer Exam is conducted every year by SSC to hire stenographers in Group C & D. The exam for stenographers is an online exam. The application and admit card release is also done online, through the official website of SSC. The […]
We already know that the Stenographer’s exam will be held between 29th March 2021 to 31 March 2021 and the admit card will be available 2 weeks before the exam. The exam will be carried on in two phases the aptitude test and the typing skill test. Entrants must go through the SSC Stenographer Syllabus […]
Entrants who have passed standard twelve and are looking to secure a govt job must be aware of the upcoming SSC Stenographer exam from 29th March 2021 to 31 March 2021. All Aspirants should complete the process of SSC Stenographer Apply Online. Entrants should go through the SSC Stenographer Syllabus, the exam pattern and previous […]
The word Stenographer means a person who knows Stenography or a person who can transcribe speech into shorthand writing. The stenos are required in many depts functioning under Govt of India. They play an important role by keeping vivid note of everything told in public speeches, in the sector of relationship management with people, briefing […]