The word Stenographer means a person who knows Stenography or a person who can transcribe speech into shorthand writing. The stenos are required in many depts functioning under Govt of India. They play an important role by keeping vivid note of everything told in public speeches, in the sector of relationship management with people, briefing of various important conferences etc. In one word they make official records of everything declared to the public. However, here we will talk about the SSC Stenographer Exam which is conducted by SSC yearly.
The SSC Stenographer 2019 exam notice in the month of September 2019. As we already know SSC Stenographer Exam is conducted every year by SSC to hire stenographers in Group C & D. The exam for stenographers is an online exam. The application and admit card release is also done online, through the Official Website of SSC. The Grade C (Non gazetted Group – B) or Group D (Non-Gazetted Group – C) exam will be held from May 5th, 2020 on-wards.
The exam has two phases CBT and Skill Test. The question in CBT will be objective type multiple choice. Each question carries 1 mark. There is negative marking applicable in CBT. One wrong answer is equal to a 0.25 mark deduction. The entrants who have qualified in CBT will further move to the Skill Test phase. The qualifying entrants in the Skill Test will be further recommended for employment. According to the latest SSC Stenographer Notification, the SSC Stenographer Salary has also been revised by the 7th pay commission, which is good news for entrants.
Let’s have a look at important dates for the exam below:
Exam Dates | Exam Events |
September 20th 2019 | Notification Release for SSC Stenographer 2019. |
20th Sept – 18th Oct 2019 | Online Application Submission. |
18th Oct 2019 (17:00 pm) | Last date and time of Application Submission. |
October 20th 19 (17:00 pm) | Last date of online fee payment. |
October 20th 19 (17:00 pm) | Last date of online challan Generation. |
22nd Oct 2019 | Last date of offline fee payment (during bank working hours only.) |
5th May – 7th May 2020 | SSC Stenographer’s CBT. |
Yet to be disclosed | Result Date. |
Not yet announced | Skill Test Result. |
Yet to be disclosed | Final Result. |
In conclusion, we can find the exam is approaching soon. Entrants must follow SSC Stenographer Syllabus to start preparing asap. They must follow the SSC Stenographer Cut Off marks and SSC Stenographer Exam pattern to understand the trend of cut off score and score distribution. Entrants can also prepare a study plan to keep a track of study progress and also practice previous year’s questions to crack the exam with flying colours.
To complete CBT, normal entrants are allowed 2hours time while VH and OH entrants are allowed 2hours and 40 min time.
There are two phases of the exam in SSC Stenographer, CBT phase and Skill Test. Both are compulsory for all entrants.
There are three papers in the CBT phase. General Intelligence, General Awareness and English Comprehension and Language.
Yes there is negative marking in CBT. For 1 wrong answer, there will be a 0.25 marks deduction.
There is a certain level of disability allowed in for the post of Stenographer. Have a look at the table mentioned below: Stenographer Grade Disabilities Allowed Group C One Arm (OA)/ One Leg (OL)/ Both Legs (BL)/ Blind (B) and LV (Low vision). This post is not suitable, for a person with hearing impairment. Group D One Arm (OA)/ One Arm and Leg (OAL)/ One Leg (OL)/ Both Legs (BL)/ Blind (B) and LV (Low vision). This post is also identified as not suitable for a person with hearing impairment.
Silki Joshi is a Content Writer with experience of 3+ years in the Edtech domain. She has mostly worked for competitive exams like Banking and SSC exams.
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