UPSC Deputy Director Syllabus 2021: The Union Public Service Commission has invited applications for the post of Deputy Director in Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labour and Employment. There is a total of 151 vacancies released for the post of UPSC ESIC Deputy Director on the official website. Interested and Eligible candidates should apply online on or before 02.09.2021. The selection process of UPSC ESIC Deputy Director Recruitment is conducted in two stages i.e Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT)/Recruitment Test (RT) and Interview Round. Scroll through this page to get complete details about the UPSC Deputy Director Syllabus 2021.
The UPSC Deputy Director Syllabus 2021 is vast and therefore the candidates are required to refer to it while preparing for the exam so that there is no confusion among the applicants regarding which topic is important and which are irrelevant. Candidates can get information about the syllabus from UPSC Deputy Director 2021 Notification. The applicants must prepare and be ready for the upcoming Exam. The applicants must prepare a study schedule to complete the studying of the UPSC Deputy Director Syllabus. The applicants can increase their chances of success by attempting the mock tests and Practice sets regularly. The UPSC Deputy Director Syllabus is vast and required special care while preparing for the exam so that candidates can easily qualify for it. The UPSC Deputy Director Syllabus of the Test broadly contain the following topics in both parts:-
To test the candidate’s understanding of the English language & workmanlike use of words.
i) Principles of Human Resource Management.
ii) Principles of Marketing Management.
iii) Principles of Accounting & Financial Management.
iv) Right to Information Act.
v) Numerical Ability & Logical Reasoning.
vi) Fundamentals of Computer Application.
vii) General Science.
viii) Public Administration and Development Issues.
ix) Freedom Movement & Indian Union.
x) Current Events of National and International Importance.
Interested and Eligible candidates should apply online on or before 02.09.2021.
The selection process is conducted in two stages i.e Computer Based Recruitment Test (CBRT)/Recruitment Test (RT) and Interview Round.
No fee for SC/ST/PwBD/Women candidates of any community
The test will be for the time duration of two hours duration and will contain two parts A and B. Part-A contains English and Part-B contains General Ability.
There will be a penalty for wrong answers. There will be a deduction of one-third of the marks for every wrong answer.
Kanak Joshi is an experienced content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the education news domain for the last two years. Her role at admisure is write to SEO-based and Unique articles. Skilled in Search Engine Optimization, Microsoft Words, Microsoft Excel, and Web Content Writing.
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