The RRB NTPC CBT I was conducted from 28th December 2020 – 31st July 2021 in seven shifts. The RRB NTPC Provisional answer keys are available for download from the region-wise main website of RRB. Entrants can view and raise objections from 16th August 8 pm till 18th August 8 pm 2021. The entrants can […]
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released its new normalization formula for the examinations conducted by them 2021 onwards. This revised normalized calculator will be used for multi shifts papers conducted by RRB like NTPC or Group D or other zonal exams. The difficulty level of all the shifts varies so to normalize that in an […]
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the RRB NTPC exam fees refund form on its official portal for respective zones. Candidates who have appeared for the RRB NTPC exam are advised to check the portal for more notice regarding fees refund and can check the further details related to it. Read here : Notice […]
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the schedule for the 7th phase of NTPC. The exam dates have been released by RRB on it official website. Candidates who were preparing and waiting for the last 7th phase of the exam can check the application status on the official website. As per the notice, the NTPC […]
What is RRB NTPC Exam? RRB NTPC Exam 2021 is an exam conducted and managed by RRB. According to a study, RRB is the highest recruiting body under the Indian Govt. RRB or Railway Recruitment Board was founded in 1998 mainly for four purposes: Firstly, to do the hiring for departments of Railways. Secondly, to […]
How RRB NTPC Cut Off Marks is determined? The RRB NTPC Cut Off Marks in the minimum qualifying marks that candidates need to score to get qualified to clear a phase of an exam. Based on which the final merit list is declared. The score obtained by the candidates is then is normalized and cut […]
RRB employees enjoy an attractive salary package along with various other allowances. Moreover, it is the salary and benefits summed up with job security and opportunity for further growth that acts as a motivation to go for RRB jobs. Millions of entrants, contest for securing a job under RRB every year only for these reasons. […]
RRB conducts registration for all of their exams online. They have opened RRB NTPC Application Online in the first week of March 2021. RRB will close the registration by 31st March 2021. Entrants who want to apply for it must check the Official Websites of RRB for various regions and vacancies according to the regions […]